Hello Loves,
Getting to the top of this stone simply took a step. This year has been full of forever changes. While being on lock down I learn plenty of small decisions could bring about great change. Adapting to working from home meant making a separate work space This was a small change that made it easier to separate home life from work life.
It is easier sometimes to break things down to make accomplishing goals more manageable. Here are a few tips to make a financial change easier to implement.
Having problems with funds
1. Make a budget and WRITE it down. (possible break down 50/20/30)
50 needs
20 savings and debt
30 wants
2. Then do a spending audit to keep better track of spending. WRITE down all spending and make sure funds are going as stated on your budget.
Hope this helps you make a small change that will lead to big accomplishments.
Your Connection Coach,
For more life managing techniques BOOK your appointment. How is your time management?